A Poetic Journey Through Race, Culture, and Ancestry

Echoes of Aztlán

The book of poetry, a companion to the memoir A Fly in Milk, offers a poignant and deeply personal exploration of a life richly intertwined with the vibrant tapestry of Mexican American heritage and the enduring legacy of Aztec roots. Beginning with the humble and arduous journey as a migrant boy and seasonal farm worker, the poems trace the resilience and determination that propelled the poet through the formative years of grade school, middle school, and high school. Each verse echoes the struggles and triumphs of navigating a dual identity in a land of opportunity and adversity.

The poet’s path takes a significant turn with military service during the Vietnam era. The transition from soldier to scholar unfolds as the poet’s academic journey leads to the University of Oregon and, later, the prestigious halls of Harvard University. This academic ascent is not merely a personal achievement but a testament to the broader possibilities for those who tread similar paths.

In the latter part of the collection, the poems reflect on a career in public service, marked by working in two presidential administrations. Here, the poet’s voice resonates with the complexities and responsibilities of shaping national policy, advocating for marginalized communities, and striving for a more equitable society.

Through a masterful blend of personal narrative and historical reflection, the poet weaves a uniquely individual and universally relatable story. The collection is a powerful testament to the enduring spirit of perseverance, the richness of cultural heritage, and the profound impact of a life dedicated to service and scholarship. It is a celebration of identity, a chronicle of growth, and an homage to the journey from the fields of labor to the corridors of power.

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AMAZON REVIEW: A DANCE OF CULTURAL DUALITY — “For the very first time, I understand the ancient pull of Aztec culture—a culture that, until now, was completely outside of my experience. The author so beautifully shares a mix of feelings through the lens of a distant past, the DNA passed down to him, and the legend and lore he learned as a migrant child, all the while reconciling this background with the raw realities of life in the U.S. I highly treasure this beautiful book of poetry and lived vicariously through each verse. It's a portal into cultural duality and definitely worth a read!”

- Amazon Customer