A Book by Amazon Best Selling Author

Victor Vasquez

The book of poetry, a companion to the memoir A Fly in Milk (coming soon in May, 2025), offers a poignant and deeply personal exploration of a life richly intertwined with the vibrant tapestry of Mexican American heritage and the enduring legacy of Aztec roots. Beginning with the humble and arduous journey as a migrant boy and seasonal farm worker, the poems trace the resilience and determination that propelled the poet through the formative years of grade school, middle school, and high school. Each verse echoes the struggles and triumphs of navigating a dual identity in a land of opportunity and adversity…

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Victor Vasquez


About the Author

Victor Vasquez was born in 1949 into a family of migrant workers from Eagle Pass, Texas. As a child, he was grounded in the lifestyle of Northern Mexico in communities such as Piedras Negras, Monterey, and Saltillo. He learned the ancient lore of his people while gathering around campfires in the evenings with his family and traveling the West and Pacific Northwest harvesting crops. He juxtaposed these experiences against life in Oregon, where he attended his first school and where his father eventually settled the family and enrolled Victor in a predominantly White elementary school.

My Books


Hardcover, paperback and ebook formats are on sale now at Amazon.com.


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"Your words are so poetic, lyrical, and mesmerizing. Such eloquent and meaningful writing. Every word paints a picture - so expressive and loaded with touching references. I have never seen a book with a similar structure with narrative and poetry back-to-back. So clever!! And so beautiful."

-Dr. Dahlia Guerra, retired UTRGV Professor and Founder - South Texas Music and Cultural Arts Foundation

"Reading your memoir and poems transports the reader to a recent past, the present, and into the future. Sharing your journey and the insights into the depths of your soul and plight is reassurance that each one of us will prevail. Thank you for allowing us to look beyond Victor, the man, but the eternal soul of your being."

-Karmy and Avid Reader and VP of a Nonprofit